Search Results
How to Have Joy and Peace: Kill the "Birds" in Your Life! Fr. Jonathan Meyer - 7.12.2020
Memento Mori: Live Today As If It Were Your Last! - Fr. Jonathan Meyer - 9.13.2020
When You Feel Like Giving Up, Persevere! - Fr. Jonathan Meyer - 7.5.2020
Satan Is a Pirate: Take Back Your Treasure! - Fr. Jonathan Meyer - 7.26.2020
Joy In The Midst of Sorrow - Fr. Jonathan Meyer - 2.2.2020
July 4th: Women, Femininity, and Motherhood in America - Fr. Jonathan Meyer - 7.4.2020
If You Died Today, What Would You Change? Sunday Homily 11.13.22 ~ Fr. Jonathan Meyer
How To Live The Lord's Day During The Coronavirus Pandemic! - Fr. Jonathan Meyer
Buechel UMC 12-13-2020 Sermon in English
Healing Through God's Eyes - Fr. Jonathan Meyer - 9.9.18
Alive! 17th Sunday Ordinary Time
Living Marriage to the Fullest: Lessons from St. John the Baptist - Fr. Jonathan Meyer - 6.24.18